Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 2011

Well as usual it has been a little bit since I have posted! Hopefully I will do better! Well since we last updated, our poor house has been through the ringer on sickness! First Taylor and I got the stomach virus, then I had a kidney stone, and then all three of us had colds. We were happy to see February! This month has been wonderful so far! The first weekend in February, Kappy and Tay had a date! My mother offered to keep Taylor for a night away while mommy and daddy had a date night too! We went to our most favorite restaurant Texas de Brazil, and as usual, had to roll ourselves home. We sure missed Miss Taylor-bug. This was the second night Taylor had spent away from home. Mommy did much better the second time around. We are just trying to gear up for being away from her for a few days when we get a much needed beach vacation this summer! This weekend has proved to be equally as exciting. Taylor ate rice cereal for the first time! We think she loved it! It was awkward at first, of course, but the more she ate it, the more she wanted it! She even began trying to grab the spoon herself! It was too cute! Here are some pictures of that adventure....
She was just too cute! (Of course we are a little partial!!) Now we are gearing up for Valentine's day! What do you get a 5 month old you ask? Hmmm... baby puffs and of course a toy! I can't wait until she can taste chocolate though! If she is anything like her daddy, I won't be able to keep it away from her! Here she is getting ready for a day of love! Not that this child has lacked in that department a day in her life :) She is our cute little lovebug! As you can see, she's already showing signs of being a BIG daddy's girl!!

We are looking forward to the coming months, watching this precious miracle continue to grow and learn something new everyday! God has truly blessed us!

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