Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holidays 2010

Well Christmas has come and gone for the McMillen family. As suspected, Taylor was very much spoiled! She seemed to sleep every time we opened gifts, but stared in wonder after her daddy and me fought the boxes to get her toys out to play. Her new favorite things are light up gadgets. She just sits in wonder at what is happening; it is tooo cute!! Holidays were a fun time for mommy too. :) I got to play dress up with my little model, and had a blast doing so! Little girls just have it all these days in terms of clothes and shoes! Pictures to prove it so that you can agree :). Taylor also had her first white Christmas! As we went to Batesville Christmas morning, a beautiful dusting of snow covered the ground. It is now January 6, and as of last night, I FINALLY was able to finish taking down the Christmas decor. Poor baby Taylor had the stomach virus this week, and caring for her trumped our ability to clean up! When we took her to the doctor on Tuesday, she weighed 14 lbs and 4 oz! My oh my she is a grower! She also "rolled over" this week. I say that in quotations since it was not a total rolling maneuver. She did go from back to front, but has yet to figure out what to do with her arm that tends to get stuck under her! SO needless to say, as soon as she rolled, she rolled back, but we are well on our way! She has gotten so good at grabbing things that get her attention. So far, most things make it to the mouth, but she quickly drops the product and simply gnaws on her hands. Yaya says they taste like ice-cream ha ha. I guess this plus the snotty nose means this baby girl is starting the teething process! Oh where has the time gone! Even with that in mind, we are looking forward to the coming months and watching this little wonder astound us further.

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