Thursday, February 24, 2011

5 months old!

Technically we still have two days to go until the real "5 months" day, but since I have time today to sit down uninterrupted, this is probably the best time to update. It is so crazy to think that Taylor is already 5 months old! She is getting so big! I never realized before I had my own baby, how much can literally change day-by-day. She can roll over (when she feels it is necessary) both ways, but prefers to do so from laying on her back onto her belly. She has already begun throwing her head back quite dramatically when she is upset. This means daddy is in trouble... since mommy knows this trick! She, like any child at this age, loves to chew. Especially her own fingers, but for the past week or so, she is more aware of where she is and looks for things around her to grab on to! It is too funny! She loves to stare at the color red, no matter what it is on. All these changes just make me realize how precious our time is! Just a few stats: at our last appointment, Taylor weighed 14.8 lbs, and was 25 in long. Very strong and healthy little girl! Here she is on Valentine's day:

Taylor has become a little more cooperative in picture taking, so I decided to do a photo shoot the other day! Here are a few of the pictures that came about. We still have a problem of looking around at anything that moves, and not smiling as soon as the camera clicks. They are still cute though! Finally got to use the tu-tu!!

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