Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Catch up

Well a lot has happened in the past 10 weeks, and even more before that. So, I believe I will play a little bit of catch up in our story. If you haven't seen us in a while, Caleb and I got married on March 24, 2007. It was an amazing day that I wish I could repeat often! At the time, Caleb was still active in the Marine Corps. So, I moved to North Carolina with him. I went to the University of North Carolina-Wilmington and graduated Cum Laude in Business Administration-Marketing. Caleb deployed one more time to Iraq, and once he returned, he had one more year in the Corps. In May of 2009, I took a job in Southaven, MS, and Caleb shortly followed in June. FINALLY out of the Marine Corps. I will always be grateful for that time away from everything I had ever known. I made some amazing friends that I still keep up with and had some very life-changing experiences. We bought a house in September of 2009, and exactly one year later had our precious daughter Taylor. That is the jist of our lives for the past few years, so now you know! From now on, I will try to just update as we go, but as in any story, you always need to understand the beginning to really understand the core of the plot. For us, our lives now revolve around this precious wonder God chose to bless us with! If you ever wanted to meet some lucky people, you are reading her blog now. In addition to "our addition" this year, God chose to bless us with 3 NIECES within 3 months!  My sister, Jenny and her husband Ross welcomed Gracie on August 5, Caleb's sister Sarah Kate welcomed Nora-Kate on September 11, and Suzanne and Trent (our "might as well be family" friends) welcomed Callaway on October 25. As you can see, we have the workings of a girls softball team already! :) This year has been very exciting for our family, and so far holidays have proved quite interesting! We are so ready for Christmas to spoil these princesses even more!

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